Hepatitis is a name of disease, this word is derived from Greek language which means inflammation of liver, this disease is basically all about liver problem. Sometimes there are no symptoms of hepatitis but a few common sign include jaundice, also malaise and patient feels poor appetite. There are many reasons and causes of this ailment including poor diet, wrong medication, unsterilized equipment and tools, alcohol and autoimmune ailments. Initially there are no such symptoms for this ailment just like influenza that is a very common viral infection, malaise, muscles stretchiness etc. but with the passage of time and not having treatment conditions get worse and signs get worse and improvised. Then serious symptoms like joint aches, malaise, eye side weakens, pale complexion, skin problems, dark urine and pale eyes are the symptoms in case of worse hepatitis. Enlarging lymph nodes and acute liver failure are worse scenarios of hepatitis. For the prevention of hepatitis. Different vaccines are available for the prevention of hepatitis A and B. vaccines for hepatitis B are authentic and available for every age group but in case of hepatitis A vaccines are not authenticated for children of age less the one year. There are many reasons and causes of this ailment including poor diet, wrong medication, unsterilized equipment and tools, alcohol and autoimmune ailments. Initially there are no such symptoms for this ailment just like influenza that is a very common viral infection, malaise, muscles stretchiness etc. For the prevention of hepatitis. Different vaccines are available for the prevention of hepatitis A and B. vaccines for hepatitis B are authentic and available for every age group but in case of hepatitis A vaccines are not authenticated for children of age less the one year.
photo credit: http://ncpresby.pbworks.com/
photo credit: http://ncpresby.pbworks.com/