Malignant neoplasia is medically known name of cancer. Cancer is a very common known word and one of the most deadly disease of all time. Cancer is basically caused because of the blood cells irregular and numerous generation. There are over 200 different types of cancer known these days. In this disease blood cells cause tumors formation. Tumors are actually formed after the blood cells combine each others in groups and disturb different functions of human body ir-regulating them from their routine work. In simple word, irregular and incomplete group of blood cells is caused in this disease. There are many reasons of cancer. Some factors that area really damaging for causing this disease are tobacco, pollutants, smock, infections of different types, unhealthy activities, obesity etc. risk of this disease is increased with the age. In 2008 almost 14% of deaths were caused by this disease and this number is increasing with time. Different methods are used for treatment of this disease. Most famously known ways of this disease are radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery.
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Signs And Symptoms
For this disease there are no proper symptoms in starting of this disease. With the passage of time symptoms start to show upon an. They are generated in different ways depending upon the types of cancer. Some of the symptoms of brain cancer are headache, seizures and vertigo. Respiratory system causes cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea etc. lymph nodes cause lymphadenopathy. Liver causes hepatomegaly and skeletal causes pain, fractures and spinal cord extension. Different cancers cause different symptoms just like blockage of bronchial, cough, narrowing for the bowel, bleeding, blood in urine and abdomen.
There are different causes of this disease . mainly known causes of this diseases is environmental effect and merely genetic. Tobacco can cause cancer its chances are 25-30%. Obesity has percentage 30-35%. Infections have rate 15-20% and radiations 10%. Most of the time cancer is caused by different causes not due to just one.
Cancer is caused with excessive use of different carcinogen and alcoholic components. In Europe and western countries most of the patients having cancer are males and main reason for that is excessive use of alcohol. Mainly 10% males and 3% ladies are suffering from cancer. There are almost 50 kinds of carcinogens present in tobacco including aromatic hydrocarbons. Most of the known disease is lung cancer. Including all this main cause for this disease is workplace. People in western countries are mostly caused by cancer on their work place because of benzene exposure, mesothelioma etc.
Diet And Exercise
Diet is a main factor while we discuss about this disease because according to some research 30-35% of cancer is caused by obesity. Obesity increases the risk of cancer affecting immune system of human body and endocrine system. We should also avoid from meats and use vegetables. High salted eating’s are also injurious and linked to this disease. Exercise should be proper to avoid from obesity and be fit.
Radiation also cause cancer. This is caused due to different radiation just like ultraviolet, having high frequency. Radiations can be ionizing or unionizing. On observing we see that most of the time radiations cause more damage to our body than any other source of cancer. Just like if we talk about tumors they can take 10 years but radiations can ionize with 2 years duration. So cancer is more hilarious in case of radiation.