Sunday, 1 June 2014



What is Diabetes ?

Diabetes or scientifically know diabetes mellitus is a disease caused because of increment of sugar in human blood. There are different logical and underground reasons for this disease. Some of the main are the lack of insulin produced by pancreas or because of the organs not working properly in using insulin. There are different stages of diabetes. During acute stages of diabetes there are different symptoms like thirst, increased urination with different intervals, increased hunger. These are acute conditions of diabetes but in case of severe and long term diabetes serious conditions of heart disease, eye blindness and kidney failure are common. There are 3 main types of diabetes well known these days including IDDM or ‘insulin dependent diabetes mellitus’. Secondly when ever cells don’t use insulin properly also with an absolute insulin deficiency. This form is also referred to as NIDDN ‘non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus’. In third case gestational diabetes when a pregnant women diagnosis high sugar level in blood. Proper diet, exercise, running, light weight and eating healthy fruits can eradicate more causes of diabetes. For treatment conditions of the disease and its severity is noticed. For stage one diabetes, patients can cured using insulin injections. For patients of second stage medication is the nominated tool to control the disease. For third case and In severe conditions, we need pancreas transplant. Some serious patient undergo bypass and kidney transplant. Bypass is need in most cases of obesity. 90% of the cases are suggested to be type 2.

Everything About Diabetes, health continue
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There are different variant symptoms and signs for this disease. There are different stages of diabetes. During acute stages of diabetes there are different symptoms like thirst, increased urination with different intervals, increased hunger. These are acute conditions of diabetes but in case of severe and long term diabetes serious conditions of heart disease, eye blindness and kidney failure are common. Symptoms of this ailment increase rapidly with the time. Prolonged blood pressure in high phase can damage you to the eye blindness and migraine. These days it is said that mostly fat people are caused by this disease but it’s not true to any extent. It can be to any physical appearing person. Obesity is not the reason. These are acute conditions of diabetes but in case of severe and long term diabetes serious conditions of heart disease, eye blindness and kidney failure are common. There are 3 main types of diabetes well known these days including IDDM or ‘insulin dependent diabetes mellitus’. Secondly when ever cells don’t use insulin properly also with an absolute insulin deficiency.

Everything About Diabetes, health continue
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Treatment of this disease is done according to the situation of the disease. Proper diet, exercise, running, light weight and eating healthy fruits can eradicate more causes of diabetes. For treatment conditions of the disease and its severity is noticed. For stage one diabetes, patients can cured using insulin injections. For patients of second stage medication is the nominated tool to control the disease. For third case and In severe conditions, we need pancreas transplant. Some serious patient undergo bypass and kidney transplant. Bypass is need in most cases of obesity. These are acute conditions of diabetes but in case of severe and long term diabetes serious conditions of heart disease, eye blindness and kidney failure are common. There are 3 main types of diabetes well known these days including IDDM or ‘insulin dependent diabetes mellitus’. Secondly when ever cells don’t use insulin properly also with an absolute insulin deficiency.

Everything About Diabetes, health continue
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